The holidays are in full swing, and that can mean a lot of travel, whether it be to visit family or just to get away. Regardless, these changes in climate, travel stress, and airplane environments can really take a toll on skin. The super-dry recycled air on airplanes contributes to dryness and signs of aging, and can increase skin’s sensitivity causing redness and irritation.
The best way to combat these travel-induced skin issues are to carry just a few, travel-friendly products with you wherever you’re going. The first is Dermalogica’s Ultracalming Cleanser, which is gentle and can reduce redness and sensitivity. The most convenient thing about this product is that if you’re on the go and nowhere near a sink, you can just apply, massage in, and then wipe this cleanser off with a cloth! Then apply a misting of Dermalogica’s Multiactive Toner for instant hydration whenever you need a boost.
Stop by for our travel size versions!